Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Eric Garner's Deadly Confrontation R.I.P

On July 17, 2014 Eric Garner was murdered in vain. Eric Garner was
in front of his house when he noticed two guys arguing than eventually started fighting
Eric Garner being the great person that he is approached the young boys and broke 
up the fight. NYPD arrives to the scene and lets two of the guys that were fighting
just walk away while all of their attention was fully on Eric. NYPD accused Eric for selling
untaxed cigarettes and attempted to arrest him. Eric never resisted arrest he simply said
" I did not do nothing can you please leave me alone". To corral Garner one of the police officer 
used what appear to be a chokehold which is a technique that is forbidden in the NYPD. Several other
officers helped drag him down. Due to Erics health issues he died soon after.
Eric Garner was 43 years old, a father to 6 kids and a husband. Eric was forced to leave all of
that behind. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE ?!?
                                 R.I.P Eric Garner 1971-2014 ~aka "neighborhood dad"

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