Saturday, September 19, 2015

Stay focused!

I am the understudy of some of the greatest pioneers, the edge of a stake that caused the cease of dying fears. I am my own obstacle, but with determination and regurgitation I make the impossible possible. My life is indeed tropical from sun up to sun down my vision remain optical. 
Therefore I sit here and converse with you because this shock wave called life is optional. We are the best at what we do so there is no need to inquire by my writing alone I hope it's you that I inspire. But unfortunately, our acrobatic movements and stupendous athleticism is simplistic and conspicuous. As we perpetuate the stereotypical concept of a BLACK MAN written by the antagonist for it is completely ridiculous. My appearance is confidently meticulous. you must be blessed to become abreast of my level, my personality purposely be sending threats to the devil. I am the epitome of a rebel. And it all came with faith or by the blueprints of the greatest that I traced like Martin Luther king his dream lives inside of me and incase you were unaware Yes I am Ben Ammi! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Monday, November 17, 2014

Happiness is an element of life defined and also redefined by many. Happiness is an emotion that can be manipulated due to vulnerability, negatively. Happiness is a covenant made between a ones mind and a ones soul with the intent of experiencing A better time within this cycle of life. After a period of time that involves self-content and tireless effort he shall have the ability to fearlessly announce his happiness, live mentally boundless and consciously aware. A state of mind society would sacrifice anything for. In order to obtain success and happiness in such a "bitter sweet" world it is essentially, indispensably, imperative to find happiness within yourself. I found passion in writing that's what makes me happy. Find yours! rather its modest or audacious never settle for ostensible happiness.

Yaneev H.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Turning Tables!

My first step towards real success started Sat 4.11.14 On the day of atonement (Kipur). I reached out to Yah (God) with all humility, asking for guidance, understanding and forgiveness. These past few years I admit I wasn't "living" now most individuals would ask me "what do you mean you weren't living?" well my life felt useless a life with no purpose full of depression, anxiety and discontent. Material wise I basically had whatever it is that I desired, not that I was rich but I was fortunate to be ambitious enough to go and get it. Like I said I had it, but it wasn't materialism that I had been looking for I thought it was, because I'd smile at the moment once I had bought some new clothes, bought my first car, bought my first bike. I was happy but ostensibly happy because inside there was still emptiness. So what I decided to do is take a vacation and the purpose of this vacation was to regenerate, clear my mind, see new things and do new things. Theoretically speaking hoping that I'd bump right into happiness as if it was a person, place or thing. And that's when the real journey began, I started looking for happiness everywhere I went, looking at other people and the joy it seemed they had and I'd ask myself how are they so happy? what are they doing that i'm not, I even began to search the web for happiness, as you can see I was serious about finding it, it was imperative that I do, it became a sudden rush for me. Through all of the searching, all of the youtube vids, speeches, conversations, people, places and things I was able to summarize happiness and also accumulate it. It started with meditation, being that I wasn't socially active I acquired lots of meditation time, and during my meditation sessions I began to ask myself "what is it that you really want? what is it that will satisfy you, complete you?" No answer. And no I didn't stop there I continued the next day and the day after and it's amazing what a bit of silence could help you accomplish. Soon I began to recognize "Me" who I am and what are my priorities, what makes me happy and what saddens me, where do I feel content and where do I feel discontent, my comfort zone, my weaknesses and what strengthens me. "The critiquing stage" is how I define it. From there I chose what I was leaving behind and what I will carry along with me, then I started to feel signs of completion. If this story somehow relates to your life stay tuned while I give you my take on happiness.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Denzel Washington "Legend"

Soon Denzel will be coming out with his new movie call "The Equalizer"
produced by the same producer who produced his movie
"Training Day". Its going to be epic check out the trailer

Nick And Mariah Might Be Done

A divorce isn't always that bad but in Nicks case its terrible.
Who would have thought that Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey
would be coming to an end. But that's not the worst part because
you can't forget that Nick still has MARIAH tatted on his back Lmao
sucks for him.
This is Foriegn Hills bringing you the most recent new right here
on "RECENT TOPICS"... Enjoy  Comment Below !

Multi Talented Mo'Ne Davis

Hands up to our precious little girl mo'ne who is taking the spot light.
The girl stars in Baseball, Basketball and I'm sure she has many other
talents. She's only 13 years old and has accomplished entirely a lot
for her age so you can see very clearly that she has a very bright future
ahead of her. I personally feel like its about time that one of our African american
girl are doing something positive with their lives instead of getting pregnant and
exposing their bodies in music videos. So go ahead girl you got my attention
keep up the good work and continue to make us proud!!